Somebody asked to see my soul,
Eyes ablaze, I paused.
How does one measure their insides?
What defines my soul?

Do you want to know what keeps me up at night?
What makes me burn with passion?
How many times my heart has been broken,
And who has broken it the worst?

My thoughts keep me up at night,
Even when I see the light,
At the end of the tunnel.
I think past it until the light is blinding my eyes, so bright,
I could swear I left my blinds open, but it appears to me,
They are shut.

And what fills me with passion, I cannot describe,
It’s a feeling, an emotion, something that never subsides,
A lifelong goal to make a mark in this world,
Just on some days, I reach a little further, dig deep into that spark,
And whatever ignites, I embrace,
For how can you measure ones passion?
And how can you measure ones grace?

My heart has been broken, time and time again,
By the homeless on the street,
The animals with nothing to eat,
The love that I wanted to last,
The love that came and went, too fast.

The girls that broke my heart the most,
I swear I broke theirs too,
“Two wrongs don’t make a right,” my mom said,
Yet somehow I felt it could.

Much like time, pain passes too,
Until someone else comes around,
And sticks their nails in you.
You ask who broke me the most,
But I have no answer,
You see, pain it heals,
It does, though first,
Heartbreak you must feel.

Is that good enough for you?
And how do you measure enough?
Is it a time, a quantity, a limit, does it exist?
What thoughts you ask?
If I tell you, will that satisfy you amidst everything I still hold back?

What answers would give you enough clarity,
Into the inside of my being?
A life goes by, a world, oh my,
People we encounter we will never know,
So when you asked into my soul,
I’m sorry for laughing in your face.


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